Stronger Kids.
Stronger Communities.

Enhancing the well-being of vulnerable children and youth through education, prevention, enrichments and development


What we do

The Children’s Aid Foundation of Nova Scotia (CAFNS) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to bridging opportunity gaps for children and youth who are in care or at risk. We strive to strengthen all communities across Nova Scotia.  







Programs & Bursaries

National Grants: Our National Grants are provided in partnership with the Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada. These grants go towards providing children and youth with athletic and cultural activities, healthy cooking and lifestyle workshops, and comfort kits for those coming into care.

Regional Grants: Our Regional Grants are supported by local fundraising and grant writing. Focus is on providing  educational   bursaries for former youth in care, tutoring, mental health and  well-being counselling, oral health care, summer camps, recreational activities and funding for youth transitioning out of care.

Your Support
is powerful

Your support helps us make a difference. Individuals and organizations can make donations to the Children’s Aid Foundation of Nova Scotia.

Your gift will provide financial support for programs and services that will make a positive impact on the lives of children and youth in your community.



Path Program

 Learn more about how the Path Program can provide bi-weekly
payments and access to community supports to youth aged 19-25 who were in care or Youth Services Agreements.

For eligibility and how to apply, click here 


Personal Donations

Your personal donation can change the lives of children and youth in Nova Scotia. You can donate online through CanadaHelps, or by phone or mail. Click for more details.

Corporate Donations

Your corporate donation can change the lives of children and youth in Nova Scotia. You can donate online through CanadaHelps, or by phone or mail. Click for more details.


The Children’s Aid Foundation of Nova Scotia’s mission is to partner with communities to provide our vulnerable kids and youth with what they need to thrive. 

Stronger kids.
Stronger communities.

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